Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Rough Sketch - The Tank

The next sample-mangling project I'm working on is going to be based on astronaut memoirs, or at least that's the plan. What I'm presenting here is not part of that - it's just a fun little thing that's actually completely intact from the source material. I will chop it up and use it in the final product, but that process is only just beginning. It comes from a book called Almost Astronauts, which basically chronicles how badly female pilots got shafted by NASA in the early days. It's a great book, but it's also somewhat infuriating to hear how such amazing, completely qualified women were completely shut out of the early days of space exploration.

Anyway, this passage describes the isolation tank tests. For some odd reason it's written in the second person, which is actually pretty great for my purposes. I haven't really mangled the source material at all, I just threw it over a spacey organ track I had sitting around because I wanted to see how it sounded.

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